Our Mind is very similar to software analyzing and resolving the data inputs from our sense organs which brings us a cognizance. The sense organ may have its own magnitude as well as limitations.
Therefore one must be aware that we are the victims of our own imperfections and there are people who may realize facts differently.
Another ferocious drawback is the magnitude of duality one encounter .Generally we are adapted to the extremes and opposites, The Black and white, day and night, pleasure and pain, etc. But if we closely think about it, we will notice that there is no common standard scale for our divisions and the extreme one choose one grieve the most. But this duality is not real but occurs out of one’s incorrect understanding which the East call as “avidya”1
Hence-when ones understanding get upgraded as usually done in a software application, ones perspective also gets upgraded.
Look at the famous illustration of a Rope disguised as a Snake by a lonely walker in a village lane. Its reason, (1) dim light (what he call as darkness, but it is an untruth: for more accurately, the dim light was an insufficient light for his poor eyes sight only), (2) he was expecting such eventuality through his fearsome mental software. These factors have made him a victim of the data inputs &an illusion .When light came his mental software become upgraded and he came out of his limitation.
So, becoming conscious of our limitation or unconsciousness is very essential. This avidya should be banished by regular learning and becoming consciousness of our unconsciousness.
The universe around is changing everyday and for being in the present one has to be updated every day .Our yesterdays are untruths and the law will not afford us any excuse for this omission .Those are called the dead, whose Mind software remains in the state of avidya and will not be able to escape the illusion, untruth or say “maaya”2 . Every untruth and half truth need some explanation tagged to them .But The Truth is ever present and eternal.
The unfortunate state is that we own very archaic software in a twenty first century society, and we run this incorrect, obsolete software, his mages icons rituals etc most efficiently.
Pray Lord, therefore THY KINGDOME come ……
1 Avidya: A Sanskrit word , Means :an incorrect knowledge
2 Maaya ; :The illusion
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